Network Awareness
Network Cost Service Framework
The Network Cost Service Framework explicitly provides the “network cost” between two or more network nodes to user applications who request it. The Network Cost is a composite vector containing end-to-end path metrics such as one-way delay, jitter, loss etc. The aim is to provide explicit Network Awareness to applications, towards assisting the optimization of current and emerging communication paradigms, such as peer-to-peer communication, distributed caching, information-centric networking and in-network cloud services. The framework utilizes (and includes) the SAM Agent (see below) for in-network monitoring.
Status: Complete
Duration: 3 years
Role: Senior Software Developer, Research Associate
Client: EU-funded FP7 ALICANTE project & NCSR Demokritos
SNMP for Active Measurements (SAM) Framework
Active network measurements play an important role not only in network monitoring for OAM purposes, but also in assessing the current network status and providing realtime information for the optimization of applications. The SAM (SNMP for Active Measurements) framework is installed in the managed elements and allows the extension of SNMP-based managers to also support active in-network measurements conforming to the standardized OWAMP (One-Way Active Measurement Protocol). It includes a specialized composite SNMP agent, featuring an OWAMP-compliant probe module and accompanied by the appropriate MIB.