Ascendio is a Web Based, Business – to – Business (B2B) System for Customers, Resellers and Users of global Service Providers. This system’s design is targeted towards the provision of:
- An easy way for customer to clearly understand Service Provider’s services and what they offer
- The ability for customers to sign up for a free trial service in less than 2 minutes
- The ability to automatically track the customers, users and the services they consume
- An easy way to onboard customers and users through the CPSM Service Portal
- A set of Self-Service support tools for common tasks customers and users need on a daily basis
- An engagement model to ensure that customers can reap full benefit from the services
Status: Complete
Duration: 2 years
Client: Nimateks Ltd.
Role: Full-Stack Developer, Team Lead
Requirements Analysis
Deliverables Management
Next versions design
Tech-Preview Management
Quality Assurance Management
Of course, other than actually coding, my most favorite responsibility in this project was to name it! As a Harry Potter fanatic designing a portal that will “lift” the user to the “cloud”, what better name could I find if not Ascendio?